Breastfeeding at 2 months

by Kristi McClurg
(Fort Myers, FL)

My son was born 8 lbs 15 oz on January 4, 2013. He was in the hospital for 5 days because I had a c-section. He lost 1 lb and the doctors were really concerned. My milk didn't come in until the 4th. I tried to beastfeed him but he didnt want to, so I started pumping and feeding him by bottle. He started gaining weight slowly so I didn't try to put him on the breast because I wanted to to gain more weight.

At his 2 month appt he gained 2lbs and the doctors were pleased. Then I decided to stop feeding him breast milk by bottle and I started to breastfeeding him. At first, he wouldn't latch on but I wouldn't give p. it took 5 intense days of breastfeeding and he finally got the hang of it.

I just want to share my story and let mothers out there know that even if you bottle feed at first your baby can be taught to breastfeeding, even after 2 months. I feel so relieved that I can now exclusively breastfeeding my son. I was so worried that I would lose my milk because he never stimulated my breast. I was starting to produce less milk each day, that's why I tried to get my son back to breastfeeding.

It is possible to teach a 2 month old to breastfeeding. Keep trying and it will happen.

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