Baby led attachment can really help you with latching on your baby. It really primes their breastfeeding reflexes so that they open their mouth wider and stick out their tongue. I tried baby led latch when my little guy was born and it didn't work for us because the labour had been too long and we were both exhausted.
I later found out that I could have tried it again (if only I'd known perhaps I would have avoided a month of painful breastfeeding.... oh well, hindsight! learn from my mistakes!!)
If baby led attachment doesn't improve your baby's latching on you can still use a few other methods that I've got videos for on this page, so lots of options!!
Watching videos of babies latching on can
help you to improve your latch
Click Here to Share YOUR Latching On Experience and read others
Click here to see Six Different Breastfeeding Positions
The most important parts to get right with latching on your baby are:
Getting your baby attached with an asymmetric latch is an easy way of making sure they get more of the areola in their mouth rather than just the nipple. An asymmetric latch means that the baby's lower lip is further over the areola than the top lip. This is important because it means the tongue can push on the area containing milk rather than just rubbing the nipple.
In the video above the important parts to remember are:
Some newborns don't open their mouths very wide which causes problems getting enough of the areola in their mouth so that the mother's nipple isn't damaged during breastfeeding.
Shaping the nipple can make it easier to get more in their mouth. This doesn't work for everyone, but is worth knowing in case it is something that works for you.
If you are still needing some other quality videos, Jack Newman's breastfeeding website is excellent. A internationally renowned pediatrician from Canada, Dr Newman's job sees him helping new mothers with breastfeeding difficulties daily.
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My baby was too upset to attach
My baby's twelve weeks old now and is usually breastfeeding well, but the other day he got too upset to attach. He'd made all the right head bobbing motions …
I had to use a breast shield to get my baby to latch on
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Baby wouldn't latch on!
When I had my first son, we couldn't get breastfeeding right for anything! Not only was I engorged, with a cheap breast pump by my side that wouldn't …
Dr Jack Newman is the go to man for heaping mums get their baby to latch on when other things haven't worked. he uses a very specific, and quite controlled way of getting your baby latched. This is quite different to baby led latch. I find his approach
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