Breastfeeding Day 4

breastfeeding bliss - thanks for dinner mum!

I thought I'd put this cute photo in.  Breastfeeding day 4  and my little guy fell asleep while I was eating my dinner with this cute hand on chin and holding my bra!

Today dawned after that lovely long sleep and I felt a bit less pain with feeds so it obviously helped us both - him to breastfeed and latch better, and me to just generally feel better.

My blisters are starting to get some more blood in them though and I decide to ignore my midwife and just get a lactation consultant to come and help me.  I make an appointment for day 5!

Apart from pain though, I am ravenous.  My milk must be coming in I think.  My little guy is certainly getting a big volume of fluid, and is finished with his meconium poos since yesterday.  It's still really yellow when he vomits it back up though, but there's certainly heaps of it!

My energy levels are picking up a bit now as long as I don't move around too much.  I'm able to sit reasonably comfortably on a wooden chair now rather than just a padded one which is nice for eating dinner!

My Breastfeeding Diary

My First Baby

Feeding Infants - My Son's Birthday
Day 1 - First Days of Breastfeeding
Day 2 - Newborn Breastfeeding
Day 3 - Colostrum - Liquid Gold
Day 4 - Sore Nipples
Day 5 - Milk Production Begins
Day 6 - Co-Sleeping and Breastfeeding
Days 7-10 - Expressing Milk to Improve Attachment
Day 11 - Public Breastfeeding
Day 12 - Cracked Nipples
Week 3 - Symptoms of Mastitis

My Second Baby

Breastfeeding Day 1

Breastfeeding Day 2

Breastfeeding Day 3

Breastfeeding Day 4

Breastfeeding Day 5

Breastfeeding Day 6

Breastfeeding Day 7

Breastfeeding Day 8

Breastfeeding Day 9

Breastfeeding Day 10

Breastfeeding Day 11

Breastfeeding Day 18-23

Breastfeeding Day 24-27

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