I added this lovely photo from breastfeeding day 7 because it makes me think he's holding onto my breast saying "my boogie"! So cute!
Day 7 and things are going pretty well, I've only got 5/10 pain in my right nipple now, woohoo! My little guy also did three 3 hour sleeps last night which makes me feel so awake! Who would have thought that so much broken sleep could still be thought of as a good night, haha!
Feeling so much better I can start to notice other things again (pain really takes you away from the rest of life I think, it just becomes the main focus.... which is never fun!)
So, quite randomly, because my baby vomits a fair bit, I notice that my left breast has moved onto mature milk fully, but my right breast hasn't - there's a mix of colostrum still coming through (obvious because my little guys vomits after the right side are heaps more yellow!).
Seems bizarre hey?
I do have a story on the breastfeeding stories page though from a mum who tandem fed and had one side for each child so ended up with milk from one breast and colostrum from the other.
How clever are our bodies? To even just make milk, let alone to be able to make it evolve for our babies!
I think my situation has come about because I haven't been feeding as effectively from the right side and so he hasn't emptied the colostrum from it fully yet.
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