Increase Fertility Naturally

beautiful pregnant belly

Do you want to increase fertility? Are you worried about infertility? Did you struggle to fall pregnant with your first child? Or are you just interested in falling pregnant as soon as possible to keep your babies close in age? Breastfeeding need not decrease your fertility, but it is worth knowing how it can.

The average Western woman who breastfeeds will not regain her period again until her baby is around twelve months old. Some will get theirs earlier than this and some later. The key to making breastfeeding not interfere with your fertility is to not breastfeed more than 8 times each day and not breastfeeding overnight if you are wanting re-establish your cycle. 

Our bodies naturally make more prolactin at 3am or there abouts.  Prolactin decreases your oestrogen production and stops your returning to fertility.  So if you can limit your feeding overnight you are more likely to have more oestrogen produced.

pregnant on a hill

Some Other Ways to Increase Fertility:
Balance The Hormones You Have Control Over

All hormones affect each other. To help increase fertility why not balance the hormones you have control over:

A Balanced Diet Increases Fertility - Your levels of progesterone, oestrogen and androgens, plus a few other important hormones from your pituitary gland, need to be at certain levels for you to become fertile again. Did you know that low blood sugar affects your hormone levels?

When you have low blood sugar it causes an instability in the hormones glucagon and insulin (these tell your body how to use fat and carbohydrates for fuel). If you constantly have spikes of insulin when you eat after your blood sugar has dropped really low then you will never use you glucagon which is the hormone for the use of fat. Fat is a building block for hormones and to make good levels of progesterone and oestrogen etc. it is well worth getting into that fat burning zone.

Some people respond well to a very large protein intake, others respond well to fasting (though you need to be careful not to fast while pregnant, so keep this in mind).  Some people are best to exercise before breakfast.

We all know how "time poor" a mother is, but it is really important for your health (and therefore your ability to parent well) to eat a balanced diet that keeps your blood sugar stable. This means eating some protein and carbs, and a little bit of good fat at every meal. Want to learn more about how to improve your diet to increase fertility? 

Going to Bed at the Same Time Each Night Helps Keep Your Hormones Stable - Your sleep pattern is dictated by hormones. If you frequently change the time you go to bed it disrupts these hormone levels which will disrupt the levels of progesterone and oestrogen. It's pretty easy to go to bed at the same time each night, and once you get used to it your body will actually fall asleep very quickly and easily because you will be in synch with the release of your sleep hormone. 

pregnant belly in the trees

Get Your Digestion Sorted Out - Good digestion means you can absorb the building blocks for hormones so it is worth looking after your bowels by eating lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. To increase fertility you will also need to make sure you have are consuming those building blocks for the hormones. A balanced diet is essential for this. Hormones are made of fats so it is important to know which fats are good ones to include in your diet and how to make them a part of each day.

Your liver also processes all your hormones and makes the usable. When they are first created they just float around in your blood not doing much, but once your liver processes them your hormones get to work on the cells of your body, including your ovaries and uterus. Doing a detox and generally not eating processed foods is a great way of supporting your liver so that it can get down to the business of processing those hormones, but be careful as a detox should not be undertaken if you are still breastfeeding as you will be detoxing into your baby's milk.

You can also increase fertility with natural supplements and complementary therapies.

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