Photo Gallery page 2

Smiling while breastfeeding

My cheeky little monkey has started smiling at me while breastfeeding, This was taken at 6 weeks old and he was super cute, I couldn't resist grabbing this shot!

These poor kids growing up these days, there are just going to be so many photos and videos for them to be embarrassed by when they get older.  I'm trying hard not to get too many embarrassing shots!

This was taken when my second boy was 6 weeks old.  I'm a big fan of siblings enjoying playing together and had always been keen to see how a toddler would cope with a new addition to the family.

In general he did fairly well, as he was always gentle with his little brother, but the tantrums were kept for us as parents.  Oh man!!!

I found that as soon as I got my baby sleeping a bit better and starting playing with him during those sleep times it settled a fair bit (which of course took a few weeks to get going.....).  It meant though that housework and dinners were tough at times.  Meal planning and slow cooker meal were definitely a life saver!  Also involving him in the cooking process meant I was spending time with him while still getting things done.

Lots of vomit til 6 weeks old

There was so much vomit with my second boy we were often running out of spit rags...... I did a lot of work on scaling back my supply as that's what the problem was.  I did block feeding and was very careful about night feeds - if it looked like I was going to have a very full breast for him to feed from I would pump off a bit before going to bed.

I'm so glad we have wooden floors throughout!

Breastfeeding at 2 weeks old

Both my boys struggled with my huge milk supply. You can see here how his lips are a little pursed, it's to keep his mouth smaller so that he doesn't choke.  The poor little fellow continues to do this because that's how he's learnt to feed, and also because I've still got quite a big supply. 

In the early days it's really hard and i had to do a lot to reduce my supply because neither of them attached well and gave me very sore nipples.  Getting their latch sorted out made a big difference though.

Discreet breastfeeding top

This is a bamboo body top (I think they're only currently available in Australia, but do check).  They are AMAZING!!!! There is a little panel that goes across your breasts that you lift up to feed - that keep the top of your breast covered so it makes breastfeeding in public very discreet (check out my discreet public breastfeeding videos here).

They also have a panel on each side that goes down.  This means that I can get everything ready underneath the panel and then move it aside once I've got my little one in the right spot.

You can see in the second photo that it just looks like I'm giving him a cuddle.  To me these are heaps easier than the singlet tops in terms of being discreet in summer.  The singlet tops are great underneath other clothes in winter, so that your belly and back are covered if you lift up your jumper etc, but I try not to wear them out if I don't have a top over them.

Discreet breastfeeding in the park

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